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CLIP-level Visual Recognition Accuracy with 2.7x Faster Pre-training on Web-scale Image-Text Data

CatLIP: CLIP-level Visual Recognition Accuracy with 2.7x Faster Pre-training on Web-scale Image-Text Data (2404.15653)

Contrastive learning has emerged as a transformative method for learning effective visual representations through the alignment of image and text embeddings. However, pairwise similarity computation in contrastive loss between image and text pairs poses computational challenges. This paper presents a novel weakly supervised pre-training of vision models on web-scale image-text data. The proposed method reframes pre-training on image-text data as a classification task. Consequently, it eliminates the need for pairwise similarity computations in contrastive loss, achieving a remarkable 2.7times acceleration in training speed compared to contrastive learning on web-scale data. Through extensive experiments spanning diverse vision tasks, including detection and segmentation, we demonstrate that the proposed method maintains high representation quality.
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An Efficient Language Model Family with Open-source Training and Inference Framework

OpenELM: An Efficient Language Model Family with Open-source Training and Inference Framework (2404.14619)

The reproducibility and transparency of large language models are crucial for advancing open research, ensuring the trustworthiness of results, and enabling investigations into data and model biases, as well as potential risks. To this end, we release OpenELM, a state-of-the-art open language model. OpenELM uses a layer-wise scaling strategy to efficiently allocate parameters within each layer of the transformer model, leading to enhanced accuracy. For example, with a parameter budget of approximately one billion parameters, OpenELM exhibits a 2.36% improvement in accuracy compared to OLMo while requiring 2times fewer pre-training tokens. Diverging from prior practices that only provide model weights and inference code, and pre-train on private datasets, our release includes the complete framework for training and evaluation of the language model on publicly available datasets, including training logs, multiple checkpoints, and pre-training configurations. We also release code to convert models to MLX library for inference and fine-tuning on Apple devices. This comprehensive release aims to empower and strengthen the open research community, paving the way for future open research endeavors.