Why does this model only have 1.27B params?

by boy977 - opened

Screenshot from 2024-03-04 10-19-46.png

As displaying by huggingface, this mlx-4 bit version only has 1.27B params mixed of FP16 and U32. Can the team provide more technical information about how this model was made?

Vietnamese Mistral org

@boy977 Hi, this model is the same as the original Vistral without any modification, the only change is that this version is made for Apple MLX Backend (you need an Apple Silicon Mac M1/M2/M3 to run it) + 4bit quantization. I think what being shown is a bug from HuggingFace that they have not been able to fix. Anyway, the model is 7B param in total.

qnguyen3 changed discussion status to closed

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