what's the prompt template of this model?

by yiouyou - opened

Need the prompt template to improve the performance of cutom langchain agent. Thanks!

And in the model card, it said "Supercot was trained to work with langchain prompting." Could you explain a little bit more, what does it mean? Thanks!

Click through to the original model card for the prompt format. In this case it's Alpaca.

Regarding Supercot and langchain, I don't know - that info comes from the original Supercot model and I've not tested that myself.

The models seems broken. It doesn't produce meaningful output in my tests.

Same here, the model seems to be broken. Specifically it is showing a nice sentence and then turns drunk echoing letters in chat under context 4096 (compress x2).
Chat-instruct or instruct seems to work fine though when using the model loader ExLlamaV2_HF

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