Error in instructions?

by Co0ode - opened

I'm looking to run this using the one click installer for ooba and I noticed this in the instructions. I think the model is incorrect here? I hit a few other errors so is there any discord I could go to in order to speak to someone about this?

Also any instructions for the Occams KoboldAI which supports 4bit?

cd text-generation-webui
python --model medalpaca-13B-GPTQ-4bit --wbits 4 --groupsize 128 --model_type Llama # add any other command line args you want

Oh yes sorry that's wrong of course. I've edited it now to be correct.

You can find me as TheBloke#9741 on these Discords:

But for errors it's better just to post them here. I'm going for dinner in a minute so it might be a couple of hours until I can get back to you.

I have no experience of Occams KoboldAI.

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