Please recommend me loader and config

by Doomed1986 - opened

AutoGPTQ is riduclously slow, unusable for me. ExllamaHF runs fast (relatively), i use it with mythomax model, but after a few text gens the responses are now gibberish. So can someone recommend a setup for running this model in oobabooga please?

Until i buy new...i have a 8gb gpu unfortunately. I want to utilize the 8k context so its currently set to:
max_seq_len 8192, alpha_value 1, rope_freq_base 0, compress_pos_emb 1.
I set comp pos emb to 2 and it fixed the responses but also negates having the larger 8k context, does it not? and wouldnt setting it to 4 make the context 2k effectively?

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