Fine tuning this model further

by sdranju - opened

Hey pal,
You're really doing a wonderful job. For me, it was really impossible to do some experiment without your help.
I understand you're extremely busy. I want to fine tune this model a bit further. Just can't figure out the right structure of the dataset formatting of this model (for fine tuning). Appreciate if you shed some light on the structure...

"prompt": "[INST]\nWrite a poem about cats\n[/INST]\n\n",
"completion": "Cats are mysterious creatures, Fur soft as silk, eyes bright as beacons, Paws pads gently treading, whiskers twitching, Always aware, lightning quick reactions, Master hunters yet gentle companions, Purring softly curved in lap's crevice, Playful yet wise, noble and wily, Our feline friends both fondness and fear elicit."
"prompt": "[INST]\nExplain how machine learning works\n[/INST]\n\n",
"completion": "Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence where models are trained to find patterns and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. The models learn from data to detect features and relationships. Common algorithms include neural networks, random forests, support vector machines..."

Hi @sdranju

If you have had no answer, it might be better to fine tune this at, it will be very pricey
Then use TheBloke's process of making the GPTQ and GGUF

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