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Quantization made by Richard Erkhov.



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CustomGPT2Conversational - bnb 8bits

Original model description:

_name_or_path: CustomGPT2ConversationalModel torch_dtype: float32 transformers_version: 4.37.2 language: en license: apache-2.0 metrics: - perplexity - accuracy widget: - text: Write a story about a time-traveling detective in Elizabethan England. - text: Write a poem in the style of Pablo Neruda about the night sky. - text: Write a press release about a new technology for real-time language translation. - text: Write a conversation between a human and an alien meeting in space. - text: Write an essay about the impact of social media on society from a 22nd-century perspective. - text: Write a speech for the first human on Mars to address the global audience on Earth. - text: Write a story about children discovering a hidden city with ancient magic. - text: Write a letter from a Renaissance artist to a modern art student about creativity and excellence. - text: Write a recipe for a futuristic dish for a space colony with exotic ingredients and innovative cooking methods.

🌈✨ Welcoming the Dawn of Dialogue: CustomGPT2Conversational πŸŒŸπŸ—¨οΈ

Prepare to embark on an odyssey through the landscapes of digital discourse with our meticulously crafted model, CustomGPT2Conversational. Born from the synthesis of advanced AI and the art of conversation, this model is your gateway to explorations in the realm of limitless dialogues. Let's dive into what makes CustomGPT2Conversational not just a model, but a revolution in conversational AI.

🎭 Distinctive Elements:

  • πŸ’« Engagement Unleashed: Craft conversations that flow with unparalleled grace, tailored to keep the discourse vibrant and context-aware.
  • πŸ“˜ Conversational Mastery: Refined through the crucible of nuanced dialogues, it stands as a beacon of natural interaction.
  • ⚑ Technological Zenith: Harnessing avant-garde AI, it stands at the frontier of conversational excellence, setting new benchmarks.

πŸ› οΈ Architectural Marvels:

  • πŸ› Blueprints of Ingenuity: At its core, the GPT2LMHeadModel architecture, endowed with 24 transformative layers, a hidden chamber of 2048 units, and the vigil of 16 attention sentinels.
  • πŸŒ€ The Dance of Dropouts: A ballet of balance with a 0.1 leitmotif for attention, embedding, and residuals, ensuring each step is perfectly poised.
  • 🎢 Harmony of Activation: The melody of GELU (Gaussian Error Linear Unit) resonates through its structure, enabling a fluid symphony of responses.

🌐 Configurations of Curiosity:

  • πŸ“œ Script of Specificity: Tailored task parameters set the stage for a performance of early cessation, nuanced penalties, and the strategic beam search, elevating conversational craft.
  • πŸ•°οΈ Adaptability in Time: A chameleon in the digital domain, it adjusts its hues to match the evolving tapestry of dialogue demands.
  • 🌍 A Polyglot’s Promise: While it begins its journey with the eloquence of English, it harbors the potential for multilingual dialogue, embracing the global tapestry of tongues.

🏷️ Identification:

  • 🌌 Through the Conversational Cosmos: Tagged with the essence of conversation, it invites you to navigate the nebulae of dialogue.
  • πŸ—‚οΈ Data Delve: The archives of the LDJnr/Capybara dataset serve as its crucible, where it was forged in the flames of rich dialogues.
  • πŸ“– Library Lore: Anchored in the hallowed halls of the Transformers library, version 4.37.2, it is a testament to its lineage.
  • πŸ” Scrolls of Sharing: Under the banner of Apache-2.0, it extends an open invitation to innovate, adapt, and share.

Embark with CustomGPT2Conversational as your compass in the quest for conversational enlightenment. Witness the dawn of a new era in dialogue, where every interaction is an adventure, every conversation a journey. πŸš€πŸŒŒβœ¨

🌟πŸ’ͺ Example Output: Unleashing Your Potential πŸ’ͺ🌟

Write a motivational speech encouraging people to pursue their passions and overcome obstacles. And one more for the fun of it! Here are some inspirational quotes I have been asked about, so here they go…

:) :)'s words :) The great thing is that all you need now is your determination. Whether this be by choosing not-yet chosen interests (I don't mean reading books), or if pursuing them leads us into becoming truly fulfilled with life...it's up in our hands NOW AND ONLY THEN DO YOU NEED THE STRENGTH TO LEARN HOW - WHY THIS IS RIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE!' As long as we continue onward towards these goals – through perseverance rather than striving after success every minute of each day β€” WE WILL NEVER BE PUSHED DOWN IN OUR PATH, OR GIVE UP ON WHAT WAS EARLY TAKEN from HUMANS … We must strive at ANYTHING; even what seems difficult today may help shape who "is" tomorrow." It might seem like an obvious statement but no matter how strong someone thinks themselves can get, chances were there wasn't much left when things got tough back then.. No wonder why such dreams always end before seeing out reality.

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