Model outputs gibberish after assistant response

by komninos - opened

CleanShot 2023-08-08 at 23.48.47@2x.png

I'm prompting the model using ChatML on text-generation-webui. Honestly getting pretty good results but the model starts outputting gibberish after the assistant response. Instead of the gibberish, I expected to get an <|imend|> token.

The gibberish keeps getting generated until it hits the max_new_tokens token limit. Not sure how to deal with this.

Qwen org

Hi, I am not familiar with text-generation-webui, but let me try.

  1. The default for skip_special_tokens is True, which means you may never encounter special tokens in the UI even if they are generated. It appears to me that one could set this to False in the UI. If it is possible and you can see <|im_end|> being generated, it most likely is a configuration issue that the stopping criteria are not properly configured.
  2. The stopping criteria in this package seem to be configured only through stop_strings, which can be set using the UI with the custom_stopping_strings. (There are some default ones here). This should include <|im_end|>, <|im_start|>, and <|endoftext|> with skip_special_tokens set to False.

Please let me know if this helps. Thanks.


komninos changed discussion status to closed

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