Suggested Settings for loading/using e.g. OobaBooga

by HighlandGNU - opened

Thanks for creating and releasing this model. A lot of people want to use it but which settings would be most important to make it run well on consumer hardware, which a lot of people have.

For example:

  • Loader - Transformers? exLlama? Llamaccp?
  • GPU/CPU memory allocations?
  • Chat Parameters - e.g. new tokens, etc.

Maybe you could provide some rough, ballpark suggestions for use with what would be low-end, middle-range, high-end systems

NousResearch org

Thanks for creating and releasing this model. A lot of people want to use it but which settings would be most important to make it run well on consumer hardware, which a lot of people have.

For example:

  • Loader - Transformers? exLlama? Llamaccp?
  • GPU/CPU memory allocations?
  • Chat Parameters - e.g. new tokens, etc.

Maybe you could provide some rough, ballpark suggestions for use with what would be low-end, middle-range, high-end systems

I haven't personally used oogabooga, but generally you would want to use GPTQ or GGML for fast inference and lower vram requirements at home.

It would require ~12GB of vram, if you dont have that you will need 12GB of ram, GGML supports CPU, GPTQ/Exllama does not

It supports up to 4096 context size for new tokens, but less will keep your vram and performance in check

teknium changed discussion status to closed

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