Nous Hermes is poor at changing its appearance and persona. (Resolved, not model's fault)

by boqsc - opened

Unlike GPT4-x-Vicuna-13b, Nous Hermes is giving lots of headaches in regards to changing persona and acts obnoxious when asked more uncensored questions.
image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png

NousResearch org

Unlike GPT4-x-Vicuna-13b, Nous Hermes is giving lots of headaches in regards to changing persona and acts obnoxious when asked more uncensored questions.
image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png

What is the prompt format being used

Both versions of prompts were used:

### Instruction:
### Response:

And the one provided by GPT4ALL by default.

### Human:
### Assistant:


NousResearch org

Both versions of prompts were used:

### Instruction:
### Response:

And the one provided by GPT4ALL by default.

### Human:
### Assistant:


Can you show me what the actual prompt looks like when in like step 3 of the conversation?

Alright, for the first time, after restarting the GPT4ALL app twice, the result is positive. This might not be related to the Nous Hermes model itself.

### Instruction:
### Response:



NousResearch org
edited Jun 5, 2023

For my roleplaying discord bot, I create a "chat history log" of the past messages in the instruction field i.e.


Chat History:

<botname>: message
<username>: message
<botname>: message

Yes, I agree!


boqsc changed discussion title from Nous Hermes is poor at changing its appearance and persona. to Nous Hermes is poor at changing its appearance and persona. (Resolved, not model's fault)
teknium changed discussion status to closed

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