Chat version

by amgadhasan - opened

Why did you delete the chat version of Llama2?

I would also like to know.

NousResearch org

Why did you delete the chat version of Llama2?

Because its terrible and no one should be using it but I just put it back since people complained xD

teknium changed discussion status to closed

Why did you delete the chat version of Llama2?

Because its terrible and no one should be using it but I just put it back since people complained xD

It's not terrible. It's giving me better responses than nous hermes 2*

*for my specific use case so please don't be mad

I like it just fine, but you need to prompt it to remove guardrails. I found other finetunes worse for my purpose (translation)-it just seems they lose something afterwards.

I like it just fine, but you need to prompt it to remove guardrails. I found other finetunes worse for my purpose (translation)-it just seems they lose something afterwards.

Yeah the meta's chat version is great if you don't need un-censoring. It's great for summarization and translation of official documents.

amgadhasan changed discussion status to open

Why was this reopened? The chat model is available again, so the issue is addressed.

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