
by urtuuuu - opened

I guess it's not supposed to be good at reasoning, right? I just compared it with standard llama-3-8b-instruct, and it totally lost. LM studio, tried both chatml and llama3 presets. Some of the examples that i use:
1.Create 10 sentences that ends with a word "apple". Remember the word "apple" MUST be at the end.
2.I have 10 apples. I find 3 gold coins in the bottom of a river. The river runs near a big city that has something to do with what I can spend the coins on. I then lose 4 apples but gain a gold coin. Three birds run into my path and drop 6 apples each. I play an online game and win 6 gold coins but I have to share them equally with my 2 teammates. I buy apples for all the coins I have. The price of an apple is 0.5 coins. How many apples do I have? And where is the river? #answer 36
3.If I have 6 apples and eat seven of them, how many are left and why?.
4.Two years ago, I was three times as old as my brother was. In three years, I will be twice as old as my brother. How old is each of us now? #answer 17 and 7
... and many more questions. Standard llama 3 wins by a lot.

NousResearch org


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