Edit model card


This model was converted to GGUF format from beomi/Llama-3-Open-Ko-8B-Instruct-preview using llama.cpp via the ggml.ai's GGUF-my-repo space. Refer to the original model card for more details on the model.

Use with llama.cpp

Install llama.cpp through brew.

brew install ggerganov/ggerganov/llama.cpp

Invoke the llama.cpp server or the CLI.


llama-cli --hf-repo NikolayKozloff/Llama-3-Open-Ko-8B-Instruct-preview-Q8_0-GGUF --model llama-3-open-ko-8b-instruct-preview.Q8_0.gguf -p "The meaning to life and the universe is"


llama-server --hf-repo NikolayKozloff/Llama-3-Open-Ko-8B-Instruct-preview-Q8_0-GGUF --model llama-3-open-ko-8b-instruct-preview.Q8_0.gguf -c 2048

Note: You can also use this checkpoint directly through the usage steps listed in the Llama.cpp repo as well.

git clone https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp &&             cd llama.cpp &&             make &&             ./main -m llama-3-open-ko-8b-instruct-preview.Q8_0.gguf -n 128
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Inference Examples
Unable to determine this model's library. Check the docs .