Tutorial base on your model

by Svngoku - opened

Build a Medical RAG App using BioMistral, Qdrant, and Llama.cpp

Youtube url : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_m3tCqdts4
MaziyarPanahi pinned discussion

Great work! @Svngoku Thanks for sharing it here, liked, subscribed, and pinned!

Build a Medical RAG App using BioMistral, Qdrant, and Llama.cpp

This wasn't my tutorial 😅, but I published your model on Ollama, which you can access at this link.
Biomistral on Ollama

This wasn't my tutorial 😅, but I published your model on Ollama, which you can access at this link.
Biomistral on Ollama

Got it. Thanks for sharing it here and many thanks for publishing it on Ollama. (I always thought Ollama hub mirrors other hubs like HF and won't required to have a publish on its own)

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