danish-bert-botxo / README.md
Maltehb's picture
Create README.md
language: da
  - danish
  - bert
  - masked-lm
  - botxo
license: cc-by-4.0
  - common_crawl
  - wikipedia
  - dindebat.dk
  - hestenettet.dk
  - danish OpenSubtitles
pipeline_tag: fill-mask
  - text: København er [MASK] i Danmark.

Danish BERT (version 2, uncased) by BotXO.ai

All credit goes to BotXO.ai who developed Danish BERT. For data and training details see their GitHub repository or this article.

It is both available in TensorFlow and Pytorch format.

The original TensorFlow version can be downloaded using this link.

Here is an example on how to load Danish BERT in PyTorch using the 🤗Transformers library:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForPreTraining

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("Maltehb/danish-bert-botxo")
model = AutoModelForPreTraining.from_pretrained("Maltehb/danish-bert-botxo")