
by Ichigo2899 - opened

Hi, So i am using the model and it is responding back but something is odd. After it finishes the response, it starts writing this huge text in spanish. It does it after every response. It will give me the perfect response and then create 2 new lines and then bunch of spanish text.

驴Cu谩l es la diferencia entre un lenguaje de programaci贸n compilado y uno interpretado?

La principal diferencia entre un lenguaje de programaci贸n compilado y uno interpretado es el proceso de traducci贸n del c贸digo fuente en c贸digo ejecutable.

En un lenguaje de programaci贸n compilado, el c贸digo fuente es traducido a c贸digo ejecutable en un proceso llamado compilaci贸n. Este proceso implica la utilizaci贸n

There is lot more than that.

This is my prompt:

Any help with this?

Thank you

Same here, it just spews a lot of random text in Spanish... (inferencing via text-generation-inference)

Thank you so much! this worked

Ichigo2899 changed discussion status to closed

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