Fix weights by putting the right value in `lm_head.weight`

by sgugger - opened

There was probably a bug in the initial conversion script that created those models, as the weights they have have a
different value for lm_head.weight and model.decoder.embed_tokens.weight. Those models are tied though.

This was not a problem until now as the model was tied after the load and the (wrong) value of lm_head.weight was
replaced by the value of model.decoder.embed_tokens.weight. This does not work any more if we tie the weights before
the load however, as the value picked might be the one from lm_head.weight depending on how the models are tied.
As far as I can see, the model stop generating properly on Transformers main.

This should fix the bug without any side effect.

sgugger changed pull request status to merged

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