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# Default prompt for generating inference inputs

Below is a sentence. Identify the topic of the sentence in one word.

# Function to generate a prompt for a given conversation
def generate_prompt(
    conversation: str, system_prompt: str = DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROMPT
) -> str:
    return f"""### Instruction: {system_prompt}

### Input:

### Response:

# Function to find the topic of a given text using the trained model

def find_topic(model, text: str):
    # Preprocessing the input text for the model
    inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt").to(DEVICE)
    inputs_length = len(inputs["input_ids"][0])

    # Performing inference with the model
    with torch.inference_mode():
        outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=256, temperature=0.0001)

    # Decoding the model output to get the predicted topic
    return tokenizer.decode(outputs[0][inputs_length:], skip_special_tokens=True)

topic = find_topic(model, generate_prompt("I am attending some calsses to learn math and physics"))

pprint((topic.split('### Response:')[0].strip()))
'Education & Reference'

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Dataset used to train Farzadaitem/llama-2-topic-modeling-Farzad