Grounding incorrect?

by amitj - opened
Cited Documents: 0,1
Answer: The Emperor Penguin is the tallest or biggest penguin in the world. It is a bird that lives only in Antarctica and grows to a height of around 122 centimetres.
Grounded answer: The <co: 0>Emperor Penguin</co: 0> is the <co: 0>tallest</co: 0> or biggest penguin in the world. It is a bird that <co: 1>lives only in Antarctica</co: 1> and <co: 0>grows to a height of around 122 centimetres.</co: 0>

Isn't the citation incorrect here for the height being output. That was not in the original docs cited.

Cohere For AI org

The docs have been updated. Thanks for catching!

sarahooker changed discussion status to closed

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