Can you provide the correct prompt template to use this model as a translator

by alexcardo - opened

I'd like to use this model as a personal translator. However, sometimes, the model do strange things. For example, if I ask model to translate the input from Spanish to Italian, my output is in Spanish.

I suppose, as it's a multilingual model, there should be some "trigger" (whether it be a prompt template or whatever) to force model act as a translator.

I would appreciate for any suggestion!

Cohere For AI org

Hi @alexcardo , we evaluated translation performance using this prompt:
Translate from {src_lang} into {tgt_lang}:\n

However, the model should be used with it's chat template similar to this one:

messages = [{"role": "user", "content": "Translate from English into Turkish:\n This is a multilingual model"}]
input_ids = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(messages, tokenize=True, add_generation_prompt=True, return_tensors="pt")

gen_tokens = model.generate(

Thank you for your response! Unfortunately, I have a low GPU machine :-( I thereby is forced to use the quantized model. Talking about the pompt template, I mean this one:


This prompt template is attached to the quantized versions. Can you please correct it with a simple example? I need to explain model that it should translate from one language to another. For example from Spanish to Italian.

Cohere For AI org

The examples I posted will be same for also for quantized versions. If you use tokenizer.apply_chat_template, it will generate this:

Therefore no special format for translation, you can test it using a prompt like this: Translate from {src_lang} into {tgt_lang}:\n {src_text}

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