Any methodology description?

by teknium - opened

Interested in the process used to do this, if you're interested in sharing.

Also, it says GPT4xAlpaca is included, but we never made a 30b model. Did you mean something else by chance, or is it possible to merge a 13b model into 30b?

They are merging datasets, not models.
Any dataset can be trained against any base model. your GPT4xAlpaca dataset can train a 65b model as well as a 7b model.
They assembled these datasets and then trained a 33b model with it.

Caldera AI org

@teknium I suspect he used chansung/gpt4-alpaca-lora-30b it would not be possible to merge models of various sizes.
@ehartford This is merging lora's into models, and merging models directly, this is not a merging of datasets or training.

Part of the tools can be found here :

@Henk717 Why does the method (merging models directly) work? It is quite rare until recent months. Is there any paper/blog to describe this technology?

Caldera AI org

We're working on the paper, at the moment mostly research and experimentation by the team.

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