Update config.json

by avnishkr - opened
No description provided.

Original Code is working guys the tiiuae/falcon got the config file restored

##Note: For time being anyone can use the following code while loading:

config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained('https://github.com/avnCode/Falcon-QAMaster/blob/main/config.json')
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('ybelkada/falcon-7b-sharded-bf16', config=config)
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
return_dict = True,
quantization_config = bnb_config,
device_map = 'auto',
trust_remote_code = True,

Due to changes in the names of tiiuae/falcon-7b files. Error is popping.
Following are the major changes(for all changes see the Files changed section):
New Function names: FalconConfig, FalconModel, FalconForCausalLM, FalconForQuestionAnswering, FalconForSequenceClassification, FalconForTokenClassification

Please update the config file as modified by me( New config file is tried and tested and its Working!!!)

Cannot merge
This branch has merge conflicts in the following files:
  • config.json

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