Tiezhen WANG


AI & ML interests

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Posts 6

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Why Apache 2.0 Matters for LLMs šŸ¤”

@01AI_Yi recently switched from a permissive & commercially friendly license, to Apache 2.0. And the community loved it! šŸš€

@JustinLin610 also had a poll on model license and the majority votes for Apache 2.0.

Why it is a Big Deal? ā¬‡ļø

šŸ“š Legal Simplicity: Custom licenses need costly & time-consuming legal review. Apache 2.0 is well-known & easier for legal teams to handle.

šŸ‘©ā€šŸ’» Developer-Friendly: Legal docs are a pain for devs! Apache 2.0 is well-known and tech-friendly, making it easier for non-native developers to understand the implications too.

šŸ”— Easier Integration: Apache 2.0 is compatible with many other licenses, simplifying tasks like model merging with models of different licensing requirements.

šŸš« No Permission Needed: Custom licenses often require explicit permission and additional documentation work of filling forms, creating barriers. Apache 2.0 removes this hurdle, letting devs focus on innovation.

There are a lot interesting discussions from
@JustinLin610 's poll: https://x.com/JustinLin610/status/1793559737482764375 which inspired this thread.

Any other thoughts? Let me know ^^
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DeepSeekV2 is a big deal. Not only because its significant improvements to both key components of Transformer: the Attention layer and FFN layer.

It has also completed disrupted the Chines LLM market and forcing the competitors to drop the price to 1% of the original price.


There are two key components in Transformer architecture: the self-attention layer, which captures relationships between tokens in context, and the Feed-Forward Network (FFN) layer, which stores knowledge.

DeepSeek V2 introduces optimizations to both:

Attention layer normally uses KV Cache to reduce repetitive compute, but it consumes significant GPU RAM, limiting concurrent requests. DeepSeek V2 introduces Multi-head Latent Attention (MLA), which stores only a small latent representation, resulting in substantial RAM savings.

DeepSeek V2 utilizes 162 experts instead of the usual 8 as in Mixtral. This approach segments experts into finer granularity for higher specialization and more accurate knowledge acquisition. Activating only a small subset of experts for each token, leads to efficient processing.

It disrupted the market by dropping API prices to $0.14 per 1M tokens. This dramatic reduction forced competitors like GLM, Ernie, and QWen to follow suit, lowering their prices to 1% of their original offerings. Now, users can access these APIs at 1/35th the cost of ChatGPT-4o.