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I have tried to add Infrence API support

Can you check if it works? The processor for the model is not standard, so I'd expect it to not work.

Unable to determine this model’s pipeline type. Check the docs” usually occurs when the model architecture is not specified in the config.json file 1.

Based on the error message, it seems like you are trying to use a fine-tuned PEFT / Alpaca-LoRA model for model inference in an API for an app that you’re developing 1. You mentioned that you have already specified the model architecture in the config.json file, but the problem still persists 1.

One possible solution is to ensure that the model architecture is specified correctly in the config.json file

I merged the #3 PR. For the next version, I'll re-do the processor to make it compatible with HF pipelines.

Thank you!

visheratin changed pull request status to closed

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