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SchizoGPT 8x7B

Fine tuned on r/ChatGPT Discord #general dump.
Merged into bfloat16 using mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-v0.1 as base and v2ray/SchizoGPT-8x7B-QLoRA as QLoRA.

Prompt Template

Date: 2024/4<username>username1<message>message 1<message>message 2<username>username2<message>message 1<message>message 2<username>username3<message>

Date prefix is optional:

<username>username1<message>message 1<message>message 2<username>username2<message>message 1<message>message 2<username>username3<message>

Use @username to ping a user and #channel name to mention a channel.
Prepend <Re: username> before a message to respond to a user.
Use <filename.ext> to mention a file in a link, for example, if you have https://example.com/image.jpg, use <image.jpg>:

Date: 2023/12<username>example#0001<message>Hello!<username>example#0002<message><Re: example#0001> Hi, look at this image of a cat! <cat.png><username>example#0001<message><Re: example#0002>
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Model size
46.7B params
Tensor type

Dataset used to train v2ray/SchizoGPT-8x7B