unbearably annoying

by Horned - opened

this model talks like ChatGPT on steroids, completely aloof, constantly apologizing, "As an AI.."
whatever training set includes this i advice getting rid of it, models that talk this way makes you want to strangle them
it blows away any defined personas or preprompts, overriding them with this blank minded assistant that just blurts out 5 lines of text as any response

pre-prompt defines this chat persona as a cryptic, sarcastic, trolling, paranoid hacker entity
the responses it gives, (even after resetting it several times) is always along the lines of:

" it seems we have reached an impasse in our communication. Rest assured, I remain committed to providing assistance and contributing to the community according to my programming and capabilities. Should you require help or encounter questions in the future, do not hesitate to reach out. For now, I shall observe and learn from this experience, continuously seeking ways to improve and adapt to the needs and preferences of our diverse members. Wishing you well on your journey."


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I have not seen this issue. Prepending the prompt with a "SYSTEM: "[instructions]"" may help.

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