Jets multilanguage support

by DiegoDePalacio - opened

Does the current implementation allow the usage of a localized "phoneme_dict.txt" to be used for TTS for a different language, other than English?

If that's the case, is there any reliable source for acquiring such phoneme TXT files or need to be created from scratch?

If this is not the case, is there any plan for multilanguage support soon?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Unity Technologies org

Unfortunately this particular model was trained on English only so it wouldn't be expected to work well for other languages.
I have personally not tried to find any different language phoneme dictionaries online so don't know if there are any that exist. But if you find one you're welcome to try and see what the results sound like. I don't expect it would sound very good!

It would be nice to find more models with different voices and languages. If you happen to see one online that you would like us to try and implement in Unity Sentis, let us know.

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