What's this model?

by KnutJaegersberg - opened

Is it chopped only or further fine tuned and ready to be used?

@KnutJaegersberg @mrfakename apologies for the delay... mistakenly made this public 🫠
It is a part of an ongoing research project in model distillation...
Just updated to most recent improvements - feel free to try it out, share, and let us know what you think!

Hopefully will have more details to share soon!

Hi @typeof , thanks for making this model! I see the license is CC-BY instead of Apache. Are you planning to change this, or do you intend to keep it as CC-BY?

I felt like attempting to fine tune it, but I cant use the model that came out of it. some error on sentencepiece side.

It has a high perplexity,
here is minima: [1]5.6161,[2]6.6278,[3]7.0043,
here is mistral-3.3b: [1]79.7248,[2]131.6063,[3]126.4081,
here is marx-3.3b: [1]7.2258,[2]8.3805,[3]9.0478,

output text:

./main -m ~/Storage/typeof_mistral-3.3B/mistral-3.3B-Q4_K_M.gguf -p "I have"

I have been working on my own project lately, but I still need to do some research and work on them as soon as possible. I think we are ready for these new game features for their next game in the series. [end of text]

KnutJaegersberg changed discussion status to closed

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