Sounds interesting - could you do a model card?

by TheBloke - opened

I'd like to quantise this model to make it easier to run for people, and to publicise it.

Could you fill in a brief model card to explain what it is? I assume it's the same as the Preview which says "Llama-2-70b-hf Trained for 5 epochs on MedText dataset" but it'd be great to have confirmation of that

Also, does it have a prompt format for question answering?

TrueHealth org

@TheBloke Yeah, give me a couple days to get this sorted out.

This model is pretty good conversationally but I'm planning on uploading the best one I've trained using QLoRA but not yet merged and uploaded to HF.

Sounds good, thanks! Looking forward to it. I've had a few people mention that they're looking for medical models and there's been very few so far.

I’m also looking forward, would you consider providing us more info in the model card?

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