Prohibited misuse

by Aspie96 - opened

RedPajama-INCITE-7B-Instruct is designed for language modeling. Misuse of the model, such as using it to engage in illegal or unethical activities, is strictly prohibited and goes against the principles of the project.

Prohibited by whom?

What law, contract or other legal documents is prohibiting unethical activities? The license sure isn't.

Those activities can be strongly recommended against, vilified, discouraged, shunned and frowned upon, but I think describing them as "prohibited" is potentially misleading and could lead to misunderstandings about the licensing and legal status of the model.

amaliak changed discussion status to closed

@amaliak I think the question was legitimate. May I ask why it was closed with no answer?

Together org

The license is Apache 2.0. Open source AI licensing is an active area of work and this is the best current view on how to release open models while limiting potential misuses of them.

while limiting potential misuses of them

My question is what is that limits them. It doesn't appear to be limited in any way.

The licence is Apache 2.0.

Exactly, and Apache 2.0 doesn’t prohibit that kind of use, meaning it is either not prohibited or there is a direct contradiction regarding how the model can be used, thus this question.

Seems that the "prohibited" part of the readme is not part of the license and therefore from a legal POV can be ignored in favour of the terms of the license.

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