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This is a BERTopic model. BERTopic is a flexible and modular topic modeling framework that allows for the generation of easily interpretable topics from large datasets.


To use this model, please install BERTopic:

pip install -U bertopic

You can use the model as follows:

from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic.load("thiagoquilice/tweets_deforestation_all_withoutRTordiplicate")


Topic overview

  • Number of topics: 328
  • Number of training documents: 361202
Click here for an overview of all topics.
Topic ID Topic Keywords Topic Frequency Label
-1 do - na - em - que - de 100 Deforestation in the Amazon
0 peti - assine - impedir - explora - via 156972 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
1 soja - soy - cerrado - la - morat 45853 Deforestation and Soy Production in Brazil
2 isso - aqui - que - quem - uma 27908 Government corruption and environmental damage under Bolsonaro administration
3 brasil - brasileiro - brasileiros - mundo - brasileira 8235 Deforestation in Brazil
4 - - - - 6888 "Technology trends and innovations"
5 governo - governos - os - que - atual 6290 Deforestation and government accountability
6 petition - sign - the - impedir - explora 5773 Stop Deforestation in the Amazon
7 ajudar - vamos - ajudem - peti - assine 3708 Stop Amazon Deforestation
8 chuvas - chuva - sudeste - seca - falta 2288 Impact of deforestation on Brazilian climate
9 ele - presidente - dele - cara - esse 2088 Environmental policies and their impact on the Amazon rainforest
10 falar - vamos - carne - sobre - na 2007 Deforestation and meat consumption in the Amazon
11 monitoramento - sat - lite - monitorar - lan 1982 Monitoring deforestation in Amazonia using satellite technology
12 noruega - alemanha - fundo - projetos - dinheiro 1819 Norway and Germany's funding of Amazon deforestation projects
13 assinem - assinar - assinado - assina - abaixo 1723 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
14 alertas - alerta - crescem - batem - trimestre 1681 Deforestation alerts in Brazil
15 petition - sign - the - impedir - explora 1467 Stop Deforestation in the Amazon
16 zero - serra - governador - poss - promete 1439 Deforestation in the Amazon
17 cai - diminuiu - diminui - caiu - taxa 1369 Deforestation rates in the Amazon decrease over time
18 aumentou - aumento - aumenta - year - amazon 1313 Deforestation in the Amazon
19 tamanho - leia - sp - quase - legal 1297 Deforestation in the Amazon
20 militares - armadas - militar - for - opera 1139 Military involvement in Amazon deforestation
21 manifesta - contra - protesto - protestar - sou 1136 Protest against deforestation in the Amazon
22 petici - firma - la - impedir - explora 1123 Legendary Amazonian Exploration
23 investidores - empresas - bancos - investors - carta 1070 Investor pressure on Brazilian government to address deforestation in the Amazon
24 uhul - walmart - anunciou - comprar - carne 979 Walmart's announcement on not purchasing meat from Amazon rainforest deforestation
25 ganha - realidade - prote - dt - florestas 947 Deforestation alerts in Brazil
26 bioma - cerrado - extin - agropecu - no 945 Deforestation of the Cerrado
27 gerando - hora - hectares - era - bolsonaro 922 Deforestation under Bolsonaro administration
28 uhul - walmart - anunciou - comprar - carne 861 Walmart's announcement on not purchasing meat from Amazon rainforest deforestation
29 acesse - sabia - hey - saiba - dt 852 Ending deforestation in the Amazon
30 aumentou - ano - cresce - cresceu - aumenta 792 Deforestation in the Amazon increased over the past year
31 destruction - billions - funds - fires - with 762 Deforestation in Brazil
32 menor - taxa - desde - anos - registrada 758 Tax rate for minor land clearance in Brazil since 2018
33 petition - sign - help - the - save 748 Save the Amazon Rainforest Petition
34 partners - best - hesitate - raze - loot 739 Deforestation and land exploitation
35 perdeu - perde - km - floresta - metros 699 Deforestation in the Amazon
36 scandal - bragging - disappearance - massive - while 697 Environmental Scandals - BNP and Deforestation
37 desmatamentozero - voltou - crescer - dt - meses 683 Deforestation in the Amazon
38 deixe - continue - absurdo - voltou - crescer 682 Deforestation in the Amazon
39 simples - jeito - entenda - um - via 676 Understanding Deforestation in Simple Terms
40 amazonia - deforestation - amazon - environment - brazil 649 Deforestation in the Amazon
41 menor - ndice - registra - taxa - tem 598 Amazon deforestation rates
42 ela - marido - dela - mulher - seu 584 Woman speaks out against husband's deforestation actions
43 agosto - cai - caiu - outubro - entre 578 Deforestation in the Amazon in August
44 you - hypocrisy - talk - put - funding 568 Corporate hypocrisy in zero deforestation policies
45 fogo - queimadas - fuma - chamas - queimada 561 Deforestation and fire in the Amazon
46 fundo - dinheiro - projetos - combate - recursos 560 Funding for Sustainable Forest Management
47 setembro - sobe - chega - aumenta - imazon 553 Deforestation in Amazon increases in September
48 trav - petici - firma - la - impedir 535 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
49 pandemia - pandemias - xima - novas - covid 517 Impact of pandemics on deforestation in the Amazon
50 papel - trouxa - eu - tanto - minha 513 Deforestation and personal responsibility
51 mico - econ - valor - micos - macaco 502 Deforestation in the Amazon and its economic impact
52 fevereiro - aumentou - cresce - legal - instituto 497 Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon region in February
53 alertas - caem - crescem - legal - sobem 493 Deforestation alerts in Brazilian Amazon
54 petici - firma - la - firm - impedir 487 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
55 dados - mapa - novos - interativo - mapas 476 New interactive maps on deforestation in the Amazon
56 prestes - limite - atingir - irrevers - vel 474 Deforestation in the Amazon nearing irreversible limit
57 junho - aumenta - cresce - aumentou - em 467 Deforestation in June
58 diretor - galv - exonerado - demitido - ricardo 466 "Controversy surrounds ex-director of Brazilian space research institute"
59 triste - chorar - eu - me - chorando 463 Deforestation in the Amazon
60 aquecimento - global - clima - clim - mudan 458 Impact of deforestation on global warming
61 impedir - explora - via - da - nia 455 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
62 simples - jeito - entenda - youtube - filme 450 Understanding Deforestation in Simple Terms
63 senado - senadores - senador - mour - vice 428 Brazilian Senate to discuss deforestation and fires in the Amazon
64 dispara - setembro - agosto - disparou - oficial 412 Deforestation in the Amazon in August and September
65 era - corriam - saudades - puro - estrelas 403 Loss of a pristine past
66 reduzir - incra - alternativa - diminuir - combate 402 Reducing deforestation in the Amazon
67 comemorar - dia - comemora - hoje - celebrar 401 Amazon Deforestation Awareness
68 tition - signez - la - impedir - explora 398 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
69 recorde - bate - bateu - novo - seguido 385 Deforestation in the Amazon sets new record
70 carbono - xido - emiss - di - absorver 383 Carbon emissions from deforestation in the Amazon
71 janeiro - aumenta - mais - em - na 379 Deforestation in the Amazon in January
72 julho - espaciais - pesquisas - agosto - rela 368 Growth of Amazon rainforest in July compared to previous years
73 boicote - supermercados - produtos - boicotar - alem 367 Boycott of German supermarkets due to Amazon deforestation
74 cumpadi - not - amea - ti - mariano 365 Deforestation in Brazil
75 mercosul - acordo - ue - europeia - uni 364 Mercosul-UE trade agreement threatened by deforestation in the Amazon
76 km - mil - quil - metros - quadrados 353 Deforestation in the Amazon
77 rus - coronav - coronavirus - pandemia - corona 351 Russian COVID-19 Pandemic
78 covid - recontar - ativistape - floresta - sem 346 Deforestation in the Amazon during COVID-19 pandemic
79 previa - apoiou - milhares - protegidas - cies 340 Macron's support for Amazon deforestation project
80 abril - ltimos - maior - foi - anos 336 Deforestation in the Amazon in April was the largest in recent years
81 firm - petici - la - impedir - explora 334 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
82 ministro - ambiente - meio - salles - ele 326 Corruption and environmental damage in Brazilian government
83 marina - ministra - silva - ela - ambiente 325 Marina Silva's tenure as Minister of the Environment
84 carnes - demanda - huelgamundialporelcambioclim - ceniza - reduciendo 319 Impact of meat production on the Amazon rainforest
85 profund - imperdo - devastador - intenso - sofrendo 317 Deforestation and its severe consequences
86 multas - milh - aplicou - somam - ibama 315 Environmental fines in Brazil
87 atingido - futebol - campos - atinge - estado 314 Deforestation in the Amazon reaches an area of 100 football fields
88 found - massive - trico - apag - brazil 313 Deforestation in Brazil's Cerrado region
89 graba - saliendo - quemada - camiones - una 310 Deforestation in the Amazon
90 vc - puta - merda - voc - cara 309 Deforestation in the Amazon and hypocrisy
91 best - partners - hesitate - raze - loot 309 Deforestation and land exploitation
92 estuda - sico - desmonte - levar - irrevers 306 Deforestation under Bolsonaro's government
93 corta - verba - dilma - contra - na 306 Dilma Rousseff's policies on deforestation in the Amazon
94 novembro - sobe - mensal - janeiro - aumenta 305 Deforestation in the Amazon increases in November, according to INPE
95 maio - aumenta - aumentou - cresce - compara 304 Deforestation in May
96 organizado - raquel - crime - afirma - dodge 303 Organized Crime in Brazil
97 outubro - aumenta - aumentou - aponta - cresce 301 Deforestation in Amazon increases in October
98 sobre - falar - entrevista - acha - hoje 298 Live Interview on Amazon Deforestation
99 girafas - girafa - elefantes - soja - planta 297 Agriculture in the Amazon rainforest
100 peti - assine - impedir - explora - da 295 Preventing Deforestation in the Amazon
101 setembro - cai - segundo - inpe - caiu 294 Deforestation in September
102 pior - abril - ndice - cinco - temporada 289 Deforestation in the Amazon
103 petizione - firma - la - impedir - explora 289 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
104 desmatou - mt - grosso - mato - estado 286 Deforestation in Mato Grosso, Brazil
105 aumentou - ano - aumento - desde - passado 284 Deforestation in the Cerrado region has increased over the past year
106 sexta - acre - divulgados - reduz - prodes 282 Deforestation rates in Brazil
107 agosto - cresce - rela - mesmo - aumentou 279 Deforestation in the Amazon in August increases
108 google - ajudar - ferramenta - combater - mostrado 279 Google tools for forest monitoring and management
109 meses - cai - em - perdas - na 277 Deforestation in the Amazon
110 opera - todas - pantanal - suspende - combate 276 Environmental policies and regulations in Brazil
111 pf - deflagra - opera - df - ilegal 274 Deforestation in the Amazon: Legal and Illegal Operations
112 ambiente - meio - ambiental - ambientalismo - ambientais 273 Government plan to harm the environment
113 aves - extin - harpia - ave - filhotes 270 Deforestation threatens Amazonian bird species
114 acabei - juntos - mp - corrup - dizer 269 Ending corruption and deforestation in the Amazon
115 estradas - rodovia - rodovias - estrada - asfaltamento 268 Impact of roads on deforestation in the Amazon
116 assinado - assinar - assinaturas - assinem - salvar 267 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest through Signatures
117 cresceu - cresce - luizdomingosdeluna - entre - sob 265 Deforestation in the Amazon
118 blog - post - arquivo - cidadania - boletim 263 Blog posts related to environmental issues in Brazil
119 papa - francisco - igreja - nodo - manifestou 261 Pope Francis and Amazon rainforest conservation
120 vacina - vacinas - covid - cloroquina - mortos 260 Vaccine controversy and environmental impact
121 sign - petition - please - this - help 259 Save the Amazon Rainforest
122 existe - sei - sabe - isso - agora 257 Non-existence of deforestation in the Amazon
123 abril - maior - ltimos - anos - foi 256 Deforestation in Amazon in April reaches record high
124 ciclo - entrar - perdem - rj - seca 255 Ciclo de desmatamento e seca no Pantanal
125 mar - atinge - abril - entre - km 255 Deforestation in the Amazon reaches area of km between March and April
126 julho - rela - cresce - mesmo - ao 251 Deforestation in the Amazon in July
127 parar - acabar - temos - precisamos - ajude 251 Stop Deforestation in the Amazon
128 km - pio - destaque - estado - par 246 Deforestation in Brazilian states
129 dilma - verba - corta - cortou - contra 245 Dilma Rousseff's presidency and environmental policies
130 winning - war - saving - bbc - on 243 Deforestation in Amazonia: BBC News Stories
131 tamanho - leia - sp - quase - legal 238 Deforestation in the Amazon
132 anual - taxa - cai - cerrado - caiu 238 Deforestation rates in the Cerrado region
133 vetar - ligados - importa - produtos - fran 238 Deforestation of the Amazon and related products
134 gay - homofobia - lgbt - racismo - gays 236 LGBTQ+ rights and environmental issues in Brazil
135 cresce - bater - bate - recorde - volta 236 Deforestation in Brazil reaches record high
136 taxa - menor - cai - alcan - atinge 236 Deforestation in the Amazon reaches lower rates in recent years
137 fund - destruction - billions - fires - with 233 Deforestation in Brazil
138 marca - chega - hist - ria - maior 230 Deforestation in the Amazon reaches record high
139 indireto - impulsionam - tricas - hidrel - metade 229 Indirect Impacts of Hydropower on Amazonian Forests
140 colours - follow - projeta - rostos - artista 228 Artist's project featuring indigenous faces on tree trunks in the Amazon rainforest
141 afetar - fim - fiscaliza - fundo - mentira 227 Fiscalization of Ibama against deforestation
142 indicam - setembro - cresce - alertas - novembro 226 Deforestation in the Amazon
143 impedir - explora - via - da - nia 225 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
144 imagens - fotos - foto - mostram - fotogr 225 Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest
145 americana - universidade - dobro - registrado - seria 222 Deforestation in the Amazon doubled, according to university study
146 balan - confirmam - oficiais - sistema - entenda 219 Deforestation in the Amazon
147 sacas - colheita - rr - fecha - bbb 219 Agricultural production in Brazil
148 junho - odo - quase - per - imazon 218 Deforestation in Amazon in June detected to increase almost in the same proportion as before
149 prayforamazonia - peti - assine - impedir - explora 217 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
150 dezembro - dev - cresce - disparou - rela 215 Deforestation in the Amazon in December
151 tamanho - sp - quase - legal - foi 213 Deforestation in the Amazon
152 cai - estadoimagens - legal - ano - ag 212 Deforestation in the Amazon
153 liga - seca - novo - estudo - pa 211 Desmatamento na Amaz么nia e sequelas ambientais
154 detecta - km - inpe - registra - equivale 208 Deforestation in the Amazon
155 sobem - seis - alertas - meses - legal 207 Deforestation alerts in Brazilian Amazon increase in six months
156 tank - went - fields - water - vital 207 Deforestation and water scarcity in Brazil's Cerrado region
157 sights - sets - danger - palm - oil 205 Threats to the Amazon: Brazil's Palm Oil Expansion
158 aumenta - ano - um - em - na 205 Deforestation in the Amazon increases in one year
159 leonardo - dicaprio - denuncia - avan - rond 205 Leonardo DiCaprio speaks out against Amazon deforestation
160 ranking - lidera - par - estado - grosso 204 Deforestation in the Amazon
161 atrasada - reformar - lbum - fotos - hattem 203 Reforming an outdated cattle farm
162 aposta - tribo - google - combater - deflagra 203 Combating Deforestation in the Amazon through Tribo Aposta and Google
163 europa - europeus - totalidade - devastou - preocupada 203 Eurocentrism and environmental destruction
164 peixes - riachos - reduz - encolhe - pesca 200 Impact of deforestation on fish size in Amazon rivers
165 needed - preserve - still - moratorium - shows 195 Amazon Soy Moratorium
166 armyhelptheplanet - playforamazonia - peti - assine - impedir 195 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
167 partner - bnpparibas - number - burning - world 191 Deforestation partnership with BNPP
168 amazoniasos - prayforamazonas - prayforamazonia - prayfortheamazon - amazonrainforest 190 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
169 cidade - desmatada - segundo - imazon - cresce 189 Deforestation in the Amazon grows in a year
170 desmascara - petista - ticos - imprensa - deo 189 Desmantling of Amazonian deforestation exposed by former Petista government minister
171 co - emiss - este - cai - ano 188 Deforestation in the Amazon
172 fires - fire - amazonia - amazon - queimada 187 Amazon Rainforest Fires
173 horizonte - belo - equivalente - duas - perdeu 186 Deforestation in June in Amazonia
174 bact - diversidade - reduz - homogeneiza - microbiana 182 Microbial diversity in soil affected by deforestation
175 aumenta - na - nia - amaz - desmatamento 180 Deforestation in the Amazon
176 biden - joe - san - micas - econ 179 Joe Biden speaks out against deforestation in the Amazon
177 argentina - afeta - comprova - chuvas - estudo 179 Deforestation in Argentina affects rainfall
178 fake - news - fakenews - falsa - mentiras 177 Combating fake news in the Amazon
179 acabei - juntos - mp - corrup - dizer 176 Ending corruption and deforestation in the Amazon
180 faster - burns - destroyed - another - part 176 Deforestation in Brazil
181 gases - estufa - emiss - efeito - emissor 176 Environmental impact of deforestation in Brazil
182 stonehenge - misterioso - revela - consecutivo - continua 176 Mysterious Stonehenge discovery in Amazon rainforest
183 divulga - desmate - alta - agora - governo 174 Government announces high levels of deforestation in the Amazon
184 futebol - campos - perdeu - sob - mi 173 Loss of football fields due to deforestation under Bolsonaro's government
185 polui - rica - sul - am - ses 172 Deforestation in the Amazon region increases pollution in the southern hemisphere
186 boletim - setembro - alta - aumenta - imazon 171 Deforestation in the Amazon
187 desafiam - madeireiros - ilegais - combate - bbcembora 168 Illegal logging in the Amazon
188 tamanho - leia - sp - quase - legal 165 Deforestation in the Amazon
189 petizione - firma - la - impedir - explora 165 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
190 plano - preven - ppcerrado - controle - cerrado 164 Plan for preventing and controlling deforestation and burnings in the Cerrado
191 sinais - voltar - crescer - dispara - reutersong 163 Deforestation in the Amazon: Signs of growth and recovery
192 futebol - campos - equivalente - minuto - mil 160 Deforestation in the Amazon equivalent to over 100 football fields in May
193 registrada - taxa - menor - info - fb 160 Deforestation rates in the Amazon
194 endossar - depender - fran - presidente - diz 158 Brazilian President's Stance on Soy Dependence and Deforestation
195 registra - maio - hist - taxa - envolverde 158 Deforestation in Brazil
196 privada - empresa - contratar - monitorar - edital 158 Government to contract private company for Amazon deforestation monitoring
197 servidores - nota - cresce - ibama - ano 156 Deforestation in the Amazon
198 assinatura - focos - ndio - nasa - inc 156 Indigenous communities and environmental issues in Brazil
199 lib - toneladas - co - emiss - milh 154 Deforestation in the Amazon
200 desmentem - autores - citado - temer - onu 153 Desmentimento de autores sobre queda na Amaz么nia
201 perde - hora - hectares - avan - florestas 152 Deforestation in the Amazon
202 schwarzman - steve - donald - apoiador - impulsiona 151 Steve Schwarzman's support for Donald Trump's policies
203 desmatam - registrada - menor - levantamento - taxa 151 Deforestation rates in the Amazon
204 iluminattis - congelada - aquecimento - observar - geleiras 151 Climate Change Denial
205 pedir - trouxa - desculpa - meus - quero 150 Requesting apologies for paper waste
206 indigenouslivesmatter - stopamazonextraction - amazoniasinextraccion - indigenouspeoplematter - justicefortheamazon 149 Indigenous rights and environmental protection in the Amazon
207 ouro - minera - mining - gold - causado 147 Illegal gold mining causes deforestation and environmental damage in the Amazon
208 comprova - af - argentina - afeta - perda 146 Deforestation in the Amazon affects rainfall in Argentina
209 atingiu - outubro - quil - metros - quadrados 146 Deforestation in the Amazon
210 del - comerciante - degradaci - beneficiarse - masiva 145 Environmental damage and human rights abuses in Amazonian soya and meat production
211 desemprego - infla - desempregados - educa - recorde 145 Impact of deforestation in Brazil
212 bacia - campe - xingu - desflorestamento - estudo 145 Deforestation in the Xingu River Basin
213 escudos - xingu - dispara - ltimos - dos 144 Deforestation in Xingu National Park
214 corrup - menosprezados - delatorias - cohen - promiscuas 142 Corruption in Brazilian politics
215 unterschreiben - jetzt - impedir - explora - via 142 Stop Deforestation in the Amazon
216 tribunal - humanidade - penal - haia - apresentada 142 Environmental crimes and human rights violations in Brazil
217 denunciada - mineradora - dona - contamina - criticar 138 Mineradora noruega denunciada por contaminaci贸n
218 radar - vigiar - vai - enfrenta - ganh 138 Use of radar technology in Amazon deforestation monitoring
219 refer - retorno - pesquisador - ponto - atual 137 Climate change caused by deforestation
220 moon - ki - ban - mundial - quest 137 Global forest degradation
221 escravo - trabalho - mpt - bomba - chefe 137 "Human rights abuses in Brazilian Amazon's logging industry"
222 genas - ind - demarca - terras - territ 137 Land tenure and territorial rights in Brazil
223 baleias - baleia - noruega - ca - matan 136 Hypocrisy in environmental policies: Norway's whaling and deforestation practices
224 triplicar - dizem - cientistas - pode - bolsonaro 136 Deforestation in Brazil under Bolsonaro's government
225 drones - drone - estudante - microchips - provar 136 Use of drones by indigenous communities to monitor deforestation in the Amazon
226 menores - ocorre - cerca - reduzir - depois 135 Deforestation in Brazil
227 przez - petizione - di - petition - sign 135 Protecting the Amazon rainforest
228 verba - monitorar - falta - estad - sustentabilidade 134 Lack of monitoring in the Cerrado region
229 televan - registrar - tvonline - volta - aumento 134 Deforestation in the Amazon: Legal and Online Issues
230 ganha - realidade - prote - dt - florestas 134 Deforestation alerts in Brazil
231 apontam - aumento - aumentou - dados - legal 134 Increase in deforestation in the Amazon
232 anuncia - tev - menor - desde - indicam 132 Brazilian government announces reduced deforestation in the Amazon
233 mensal - pegando - trag - taxas - recordes 131 Brazilian wildfires
234 du - forestation - politiques - financements - dites 131 Political hypocrisy in forestation policies
235 janeiro - queda - tem - diz - governo 131 Deforestation in Brazil in January, according to government reports
236 fontes - fonte - via - vaivendo - source 130 Sources and references
237 mar - sobe - ecoc - ong - bate 130 Deforestation in the Amazon region causes environmental concerns
238 eleitoral - explode - durante - odo - per 130 Electoral Explosion in the Amazon
239 dicaprio - leonardo - desafio - denuncia - adere 129 Leonardo DiCaprio speaks out against deforestation in the Amazon
240 prayforamazonia - prayforbrazil - prayforrondonia - prayforamazonas - saveamazonia 129 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
241 pirulla - abaixo - nasa - transforma - ezequiel 128 Deforestation in the Amazon
242 possui - fun - metodologia - causas - especialistas 128 Causes of drought in the Amazon forest
243 impeachmentsalvavidas - flavio - abin - loteamento - interfer 126 Impeachment and political corruption in Brazil
244 palm - oil - palmoil - danger - sights 125 Amazon rainforest under threat from Brazil's palm oil ambition
245 odo - junho - per - mesmo - maior 125 Deforestation in the Amazon in June higher than in the same period last year
246 monitoramento - ministra - nova - mostra - acende 125 Minister's statement on Amazon deforestation reduction
247 sou - arquivamaia - dosbrasileirosedoplanetaterralongedeserdestegoverno - aamaz - nativa 124 Protection of Native Forests
248 carbon - source - change - climate - linked 124 Amazonian Carbon Sources and Climate Change
249 crescer - volta - voltou - desapareceram - primeira 123 Deforestation in the Amazon
250 retardo - tratora - prevarica - sa - precoce 123 "Government Incompetence in Healthcare: Bolsonaro's Impact"
251 impedir - explora - via - da - nia 123 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
252 nima - amea - rcio - criminoso - sociedade 122 Deforestation in the Amazon region
253 firmam - firmar - incra - acordo - assentamentos 122 MPF and INCRAP sign agreement to reduce deforestation in Amazonian settlements
254 metas - apresenta - aprovados - plano - planos 122 Government plans to reduce deforestation in the Amazon
255 prayforamazonia - prayforamazonas - peti - assine - impedir 121 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
256 outubro - caiu - ministra - compara - passado 121 Deforestation in the Amazon in October
257 motivos - futuro - ado - dispara - entenda 121 Motivations for preserving the Amazon rainforest
258 incra - coloni - assentamentos - promete - diminuir 120 INCRAPrometesDiminuirEmDesmatamento
259 petition - sign - the - prin - hteest 120 Protect the Amazon rainforest
260 atingiu - desmatada - julho - agosto - cai 120 Deforestation in the Amazon: Legal Cai Diz Inpe Rea Desmatada
261 segundo - imazon - cresce - ano - um 120 Deforestation in the Amazon grows in a year according to IMazon
262 panelacoforabolsonaro - hs - impeachmentsalvavidas - flavio - abin 119 Political scandals and corruption in Brazil
263 mar - abril - cai - aletas - entre 119 Deforestation in the Amazon during March and April
264 registram - inferior - afirma - sib - pantanal 119 Deforestation in Brazil's Cerrado and Pantanal regions
265 vestiram - militantes - frica - protesto - greenpeace 119 Protest against deforestation in the Amazon
266 liber - concordou - noruega - pagar - mi 118 Norway agrees to pay Brazil more than $100 million for Amazon deforestation reduction
267 sacrificar - eleva - demanda - press - crescimento 118 Demand for meat and soy affects Amazonian growth
268 expedi - viagem - realiza - protestar - contra 118 Protest against deforestation in the Amazon
269 dobra - dobrou - quintuplicou - quase - janeiro 118 Deforestation in the Amazon almost doubled in a year
270 suspens - anuncia - opera - todas - pantanal 117 Environmental policies in Brazil
271 previa - apoiou - milhares - protegidas - cies 117 Macron's support for Amazon deforestation project
272 mil - fhc - km - argumentos - fatos 116 Desmatamento na Amaz么nia
273 firm - trav - petici - la - impedir 116 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
274 caiu - odo - per - legal - cai 115 Deforestation in the Amazon legal in one year
275 retalia - mulo - corta - verba - alemanha 115 German retaliation against Brazilian Amazon deforestation
276 tamanho - sp - leia - rtrt - rt 114 Deforestation in the Amazon
277 abastecimento - afetar - diminui - planeta - gua 114 Water and climate change
278 evita - mortes - puc - reduzem - mil 114 Deforestation in the Amazon and its impact on mortality rates
279 partner - bofa - bankofamerica - partenaire - number 113 Deforestation partnerships with Bank of America
280 junho - imazon - cai - caiu - queda 113 Deforestation in Amazon in June
281 pas - compara - julho - rela - segundo 113 Deforestation in the Amazon in July
282 multado - ms - flagrante - pma - produtor 112 Environmental damage from deforestation in Brazil
283 comercializar - renovada - produzida - desmatamentos - compromisso 112 Commercialization of new soy productions and deforestation
284 sos - fiscais - liga - estudo - compartilhar 112 Forest management and control systems in the Amazon
285 cinco - vezes - perdeu - maio - novembro 110 Deforestation in Brazil
286 evita - redu - mortes - aeronaves - moderniza 109 Airplane Modernization Program
287 tamanho - leia - sp - quase - legal 109 Deforestation in the Amazon
288 seletivo - detecta - crescimento - minist - meio 109 Deforestation in the Amazon
289 nova - ong - alta - aponta - integrantes 108 New Ong members point out high deforestation in Amazon
290 julho - agosto - cai - entre - legal 108 Deforestation in the Amazon: Legal Causes and Impacts
291 antibi - resistentes - bact - rias - secas 107 Impact of deforestation on antibiotic resistance
292 radar - orbital - melhorar - novo - fiscaliza 107 Monitoring deforestation with new radar technology
293 tamanho - leia - sp - quase - legal 107 Deforestation in the Amazon
294 ditaduranuncamais - porcento - jairbolsonaro - impeachmentdebolsonaro - somos 107 Impeachment of Jair Bolsonaro and environmental policies
295 gabinete - crise - anuncia - ministra - disparada 107 Brazilian government's response to deforestation in the Amazon
296 zerar - conseguiu - desmata - quer - diminuir 106 Deforestation in Brazil
297 ritmo - tvonline - tv - anuncia - siga 106 Media and Entertainment
298 parlamento - mercosul - holanda - holand - rejeita 106 Rejection of Mercosur agreement by Dutch parliament due to Brazilian government's Amazon deforestation
299 intensifica - fiscaliza - ibama - combater - smasher 105 IBAMa's efforts to combat illegal deforestation in the Amazon
300 carv - coibir - pacto - objetivo - empresas 105 Illegal Deforestation in the Cerrado
301 litoral - retrospectiva - leo - alta - ambiente 105 Deforestation in the Amazon
302 cresce - ano - um - em - ebc 105 Deforestation in the Amazon grows in a year
303 afirma - avan - imazon - abramo - perseu 105 Deforestation in the Amazon
304 filme - tvonline - tv - co - emiss 105 Accusations of environmental damage in the Amazon
305 pecu - causa - ria - maior - folha 105 Deforestation in the Amazon caused by cattle ranching
306 zoios - capela - abestado - abre - olha 104 Preparing a Capela for Zoios
307 quina - move - retorna - esteve - controle 104 Agricultural machinery for deforestation control
308 comparativo - extens - imagem - revela - nasa 104 Deforestation in the Amazon compared through historical images
309 contesta - den - incra - respons - ncia 104 Responsibility for deforestation in the Amazon
310 relaciona - pesquisador - seca - sudeste - estudo 104 Impact of drought on deforestation in the Amazon
311 aponta - feita - minist - setembro - queda 104 Deforestation in Brazilian Amazon during September
312 esperar - devem - ministra - queda - desmatada 103 Environmental policy in Brazil
313 atrapalhar - acusam - fiscais - militares - combate 103 Military accused of obstructing Amazon deforestation fight
314 ten - leva - apresenta - outubro - taxa 103 Deforestation in Brazil
315 maior - este - aponta - desde - anos 103 Deforestation in the Amazon this year is the largest since aponta inpe via
316 rie - rica - menor - agosto - hist 103 Deforestation in the Amazon since historical records
317 emergenciaclim - sostenibilidad - aloja - siglo - sgk 103 Amazon Rainforest Sustainability
318 fase - controle - plano - nova - este 103 Deforestation control plan in the Amazon
319 detectou - julho - derrubadas - menor - re 102 Deforestation in the Amazon in July
320 atingir - limite - prestes - irrevers - determinado 102 Deforestation in the Amazon nearing irreversible limit
321 dobra - recursos - combater - salles - dobrar 101 Government announces measures to combat deforestation in the Amazon
322 segundo - seguido - cresce - consecutivo - pelo 101 Deforestation in the Amazon grows for the second consecutive year
323 quatro - volta - ap - crescer - queda 101 Deforestation in the Amazon
324 isolado - perde - ajuda - doa - analistas 101 Deforestation in Brazil and its impact on the environment
325 agosto - dez - maior - imazon - anos 101 Deforestation in Amazon reaches 10-year high in August
326 divulga - inpe - estima - emiss - mundogeo 100 Deforestation in the Amazon

Training hyperparameters

  • calculate_probabilities: False
  • language: None
  • low_memory: False
  • min_topic_size: 10
  • n_gram_range: (1, 1)
  • nr_topics: None
  • seed_topic_list: None
  • top_n_words: 10
  • verbose: True
  • zeroshot_min_similarity: 0.7
  • zeroshot_topic_list: None

Framework versions

  • Numpy: 1.25.2
  • HDBSCAN: 0.8.33
  • UMAP: 0.5.6
  • Pandas: 2.0.3
  • Scikit-Learn: 1.2.2
  • Sentence-transformers: 2.7.0
  • Transformers: 4.40.2
  • Numba: 0.58.1
  • Plotly: 5.15.0
  • Python: 3.10.12
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