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FineNeo: A simple way to finetune your very own GPT-Neo model.

Created by Tekkonetes with debugging help from ChatGPT. @Tekkonetes (HuggingFace) / @pxlmastrXD (Replit)

So, you want to fine-tune a GPT-Neo model? Well, here's the simplest script you will get. It uses a text dataset to fine-tune, and it also will tune the model fairly quickly. Normally, it takes about 5 seconds for an epoch to finish, so here are some estimated times:

Epochs Time (Seconds) Adjusted time
1 5
10 50
50 250 4m 10s
100 500 8m 20s

Yes, it's fairly fast. However, it depends on which GPT-Neo model you're fine-tuning. For example, the chart above is the EleutherAI/GPT-Neo-125M model. If you use the Gpt-Neo-1.3B model, it will probably take longer.

Using the script.

First, download the tune.py file to your computer. Then (optional) set up a virtual environment:

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Now, install the needed packages:

pip install transformers torch

Finally, create your dataset, modify the file to use the dataset, and run the python script.

python tune.py

Your model and tokenizer will appear in the fine-tuned-gpt-neo directory. You can then use transformers to run the model, or upload the files to the HuggingFace hub.

Best of luck! - Tekkonetes - @pxlmastrXD (Replit)

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