Diffusion Single File

Does this release is a joke for everyone ?

by myn0908 - opened

I don't know what they did in this release or if they just took a model with terrible results and uploaded it, changed the name and it became stable-diffusion-3, when the results are not really what they are. advertising, I tested on SD-2 and other Diffusion text2image models and the results are sometimes worse than traditional Unet? , so what is the improvement here?
Even the model lacks index.json mapping and people are very annoyed with downloading the model for testing

myn0908 changed discussion title from Does your release is a joke for everyone ? to Does this release is a joke for everyone ?

@myn0908 The answer to all your questions can be found here: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/respect




"The pirate captain stood with a steely gaze fixed on the horizon. His crew, a motley band of a dozen pirates with scars and stories etched into their faces, bustled about preparing for their next plunder."

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