
by hollowsense - opened

is fine-tuning possible?

This is my question as well.
The simple answer is "yes", if you check CivitAI, you'll find out people already have done a lot of stuff with this model. I don't know why most of them don't bother to share the details...

Apparently most of those models are combinations of an already available XL model with the Turbo model. I'm on it, if I get acceptable results, I will let you know.

Great, will look forward to your findings!

may be LoRA weights can work out of the box with this model? anyone?

@hollowsense Yes, SDXL 1.0 LoRa's are apparently fine with this model.

@Muhammadreza So if I have to fine-tune a pre-trained model on around 10,000 image-caption pairs (domain specific), with a very very low budget, what do you recommend. This model or something else? I presume I will be using a combination of LoRa and Dreambooth? Am I on the right track.

@kushbhuwalka44 To be honest, I'd suggest you use 1.5 base then, because fine tuning 1.5 on a budget machine (Google Colab Pro or Pro+, RunPod, even a local 3090/4090 GPU) is much easier and faster. But the results will not be this good.
I suggest you go EMU (Meta's method), keep a small dataset on very good quality images for more epochs/steps in fine tuning.

@Muhammadreza Thanks for your response. Do you have any tips on fine-tuning?

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