Apply for community grant: Academic project (gpu)

by ahans1 - opened
Tom Goldstein's Lab at University of Maryland, College Park org
edited Jan 23

Hi @akhaliq ,

We want to host a demo for "Spotting LLMs With Binoculars: Zero-Shot Detection of Machine-Generated Text" on hf spaces. Please request you grant us GPU assistance for this academic project. Hosting this would require >= 32GB VRAM (either 2x T4 or 1x A100 would be great!).

It would be great if you could help us host this on hf-spaces. :)

Hi @ahans1 , we have assigned a gpu to this space. Note that GPU Grants are provided temporarily and might be removed after some time if the usage is very low.

To learn more about GPUs in Spaces, please check out

ahans1 changed discussion status to closed

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