Apply for community grant: Academic project

by tetrisd - opened

We're looking to host a demo for building and visualizing attribution maps for Stable Diffusion -- see Our demo is currently running on a personal server at It's an open-source, academic project.

Hi @tetrisd a t4 gpu has been assigned to the space, thanks

Great, thanks!

Hi @tetrisd a t4 gpu has been assigned to the space, thanks

Just to confirm, this T4 GPU is free of cost, right?

@tetrisd we have assigned a t4 gpu now as a community grant, sorry for any confusion

Hi @tetrisd ! The T4 GPU grant was just assigned. It seems you directly assigned a paid GPU for the last few weeks, we did not assign it. Given this is an academic and open-source project, we've decided to reimburse the charges once we get to the end of the billing cycle. Going forward, the GPU will remain as a grant (so no charges), but it's a temporary GPU, meaning that it can be deallocated after some time if the usage is low.

You might also require some changes to ensure you're using the GPU, you can find some information in here


tetrisd changed discussion status to closed

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