endless "processing"

by DeRodman - opened

This is what it looks like

A short list of what didn't work for me:

  1. reloading the page
  2. restarting the PC
  3. using a different browser
  4. using a different PC
  5. turning on VPN
  6. turning off VPN
  7. logout
  8. south american ritual dance
  9. sacrificing a lamb
  10. prayer in the temple

Ahhh sorry you had to go to such great lengths, 8-10 are serious commitments. Error was on the TPU side - restarted and should be ok now

I did a lot of tests today and this again happened most times. Perhaps more to larger videos, but can't say for sure. All videos up to 1 hour and 50MB, many tests smaller. And some videos were eventually transcribed on retry. Queue always #1.

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