Clicking on a model does not redirect to the model page

by xi0v - opened

I have had this issue for a few weeks now where when I click on ANYTHING like a model or the score of the model, it shows html code and does not redirect to the model page like how its intended to do, which essentially make the leaderboard unusable for me (as someone who uses the leaderboard on their phone, I also tried to use the desktop site and it wasn't any better), I don't know if this is browser related or if it is actually a bug but someone should look into this.

Here is an example, when I click on the davidkim205/Rhea-72b-v0.5 model the following html code shows up instead of redirecting to the model's page (this html is editable but edits are only seen by user which means no one is vulnerable when or if this html is edited)

<a target="_blank" href="" style="color: var(--link-text-color); text-decoration: underline;text-decoration-style: dotted;">davidkim205/Rhea-72b-v0.5</a>  <a target="_blank" href="" style="color: var(--link-text-color); text-decoration: underline;text-decoration-style: dotted;">📑</a>

The same thing happens with the model's score, you can edit the score of any model on all benchmarks (but again the edits do not affect other users, they only affect the editor and are reverted when the tab is refreshed) which makes scrolling a nightmare.

Open LLM Leaderboard org

Hi! Interesting!
I think we must have untoggled "editable" in a field, going to check right now.

Open LLM Leaderboard org

Is it better now?

Yes! Thank you very much.

xi0v changed discussion status to closed

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