Can't add OpenAssistant/falcon-40b-sft-mix-1226, probably because trust_remote_code=False

by tju01 - opened

I tried to add OpenAssistant/falcon-40b-sft-mix-1226, but it fails with the error Model "OpenAssistant/falcon-40b-sft-mix-1226"was not found on hub! even though it is available. I had a look at the of this huggingface space and I believe the reason is that the code checks whether the model is available by calling AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_name, revision=revision) in the is_model_on_hub function. Trying this locally does indeed fail for OpenAssistant/falcon-40b-sft-mix-1226 because the falcon based model requires trust_remote_code=True. Setting this then makes it work. Would it be possible to fix this?

Hi @tju01 thanks for your comment. Could you create a PR for this? Happy to review it.

I created #58.

tju01 changed discussion status to closed

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