Add User History

by Wauplin HF staff - opened

This PR adds a User History feature:

  • "Past generations" are saved in a separate tab. Users can see all the images they've already generated.
  • save metadata for each image (prompts, guidance scale, nb steps, timestamp,...)
  • export button (exports user history as zip)
  • delete button (requested to respect privacy)
  • refresh button (avoid having the page reloaded all the time)
  • admin panel (how many users and images? how much storage left?)
  • works both with and without Persistent Storage. Meaning less friction for users duplicating the Space without paying for Persistent Storage. They risk loosing their history but at least the app works correctly (with a disclaimer).

I made a demo Space for the User History feature itself. The goal is to showcase it but also encourage users to add it to their Space. The Community Tab is open for feedback.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


(Wurstchen Space)


Wauplin changed pull request title from WIP to Add User History
Cannot merge
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