Allow user to edit prompt and resend

by victorliu5296 - opened

I am not sure why this is not implemented yet, it is a very useful function that has been requested in June 2023 and it is implemented in many LLM running front-ends like LM Studio, ChatGPT interface, basically anything I can think of. I think it's one of the greatest weak points of HuggingChat for me at the moment, other than sometimes having weird search problems.

one of the must-need features.. along with conv tree. here, i wanted to post this , but procrastinating to sort it properly :(
Edit: Now available at Discussion #358

Please somebody add this Iโ€™m begging you hahaha

Hugging Chat org
edited Feb 1

Allow user to edit prompt and resend

Yes this is completely on of our top priority (will ship it soon with @nsarrazin )

victor pinned discussion
nsarrazin unpinned discussion
Hugging Chat org

Conversations trees & prompt editing is now live in production! Feel free to try it out and let us know what you think!

Thread here

cc @victorliu5296 @SvCy @SomethingIMPORTANT

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