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be6d4fe bbe8153 d4a56f6 bbe8153 e2f851a bbe8153 cf309f8 4fceacd b6488dd bbe8153 212f3d8 fd0a544 3ec7744 8727e48 8084825 53c7f91 8084825 53c7f91 8084825 53c7f91 8f08c01 53c7f91 8084825 53c7f91 8084825 3ec7744 58c6724 5aa952d 14f6db8 7b071e1 58c6724 3b52f93 58c6724 6b8df47 58c6724 8ec24f4 3ec7744 cf1d320 7b071e1 e806d55 f8aa9cb 7b071e1 fcb0ea5 7e3803b ffd7140 cf309f8 ffd7140 81b9dd6 ffd7140 7e3803b bbe8153 81b9dd6 bbe8153 81b9dd6 bbe8153 81b9dd6 bbe8153 cf309f8 bbe8153 7e3803b bbe8153 7e3803b bbe8153 81b9dd6 6d8f6a3 bbe8153 7e3803b 6d8f6a3 bbe8153 7e3803b bbe8153 4fceacd bbe8153 4fceacd bbe8153 4fceacd 089d664 ffd7140 4fceacd 8ca72f6 29224cf 56704ce b6488dd 3ec7744 98c6cb8 b6488dd 29224cf b6488dd 07dc410 040b02f b6488dd 259ccf5 29224cf 089d664 56d6a08 f14422e b6488dd bbe8153 e642140 23b843d b6488dd |
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import gradio as gr
Optical Flow: Predicting movement with the RAFT model
Optical flow is the task of predicting movement between two images, usually two
consecutive frames of a video. Optical flow models take two images as input, and
predict a flow: the flow indicates the displacement of every single pixel in the
first image, and maps it to its corresponding pixel in the second image. Flows
are (2, H, W)-dimensional tensors, where the first axis corresponds to the
predicted horizontal and vertical displacements.
The following example illustrates how torchvision can be used to predict flows
using our implementation of the RAFT model. We will also see how to convert the
predicted flows to RGB images for visualization.
import cv2
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torchvision.transforms.functional as F
from import read_video
from torchvision.models.optical_flow import Raft_Large_Weights
from torchvision.models.optical_flow import raft_large
from import write_jpeg
import torchvision.transforms as T
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
import tensorflow as tf
from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator
from imageio import imread, imwrite
from flowio import readFlowFile
def write_flo(flow, filename):
Write optical flow in Middlebury .flo format
:param flow: optical flow map
:param filename: optical flow file path to be saved
:return: None
# forcing conversion to float32 precision
flow = flow.cpu().data.numpy()
flow = flow.astype(np.float32)
f = open(filename, 'wb')
magic = np.array([202021.25], dtype=np.float32)
(height, width) = flow.shape[0:2]
w = np.array([width], dtype=np.int32)
h = np.array([height], dtype=np.int32)
def warp_flow(img, flow, mul=1.):
#img = np.array(img.convert('RGB'))
img = cv2.imread(img)
flow = cv2.imread(flow)
#flow = np.load(flow)
h, w = flow.shape[:2]
flow = flow.copy()
flow[:, :, 0] + np.arange(w)
flow[:, :, 1] + np.arange(h)[:, np.newaxis]
# print('flow stats', flow.max(), flow.min(), flow.mean())
# print(flow)
# print('flow stats mul', flow.max(), flow.min(), flow.mean())
# res = cv2.remap(img, flow, None, cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
res = cv2.remap(img, flow, None, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
def get_warp_res(fname_image, fname_flow, fname_output='warped.png'):
print(f"FNAME IMAGE: {fname_image}")
#im2 = imread(fname_image)
#print(f"FNAME IMAGE READED: {im2.shape}")
#flow = fname_flow.cpu().detach().numpy()
flow = fname_flow
#print(f"FNAME FLOW READED: {flow.shape}")
res = warp_flow(fname_image, flow, 1.)
def infer():
video_url = ""
video_path = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) / "basketball.mp4"
_ = urlretrieve(video_url, video_path)
frames, _, _ = read_video(str(video_path), output_format="TCHW")
print(f"FRAME BEFORE stack: {frames[100]}")
img1_batch = torch.stack([frames[100]])
img2_batch = torch.stack([frames[101]])
print(f"FRAME AFTER stack: {img1_batch}")
weights = Raft_Large_Weights.DEFAULT
transforms = weights.transforms()
def preprocess(img1_batch, img2_batch):
img1_batch = F.resize(img1_batch, size=[520, 960])
img2_batch = F.resize(img2_batch, size=[520, 960])
return transforms(img1_batch, img2_batch)
img1_batch, img2_batch = preprocess(img1_batch, img2_batch)
print(f"shape = {img1_batch.shape}, dtype = {img1_batch.dtype}")
# Estimating Optical flow using RAFT
# ----------------------------------
# We will use our RAFT implementation from
# :func:`~torchvision.models.optical_flow.raft_large`, which follows the same
# architecture as the one described in the `original paper <>`_.
# We also provide the :func:`~torchvision.models.optical_flow.raft_small` model
# builder, which is smaller and faster to run, sacrificing a bit of accuracy.
# If you can, run this example on a GPU, it will be a lot faster.
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
model = raft_large(weights=Raft_Large_Weights.DEFAULT, progress=False).to(device)
model = model.eval()
list_of_flows = model(,
print(f"list_of_flows type = {type(list_of_flows)}")
print(f"list_of_flows length = {len(list_of_flows)} = number of iterations of the model")
# The RAFT model outputs lists of predicted flows where each entry is a
# (N, 2, H, W) batch of predicted flows that corresponds to a given "iteration"
# in the model. For more details on the iterative nature of the model, please
# refer to the `original paper <>`_. Here, we
# are only interested in the final predicted flows (they are the most acccurate
# ones), so we will just retrieve the last item in the list.
# As described above, a flow is a tensor with dimensions (2, H, W) (or (N, 2, H,
# W) for batches of flows) where each entry corresponds to the horizontal and
# vertical displacement of each pixel from the first image to the second image.
# Note that the predicted flows are in "pixel" unit, they are not normalized
# w.r.t. the dimensions of the images.
predicted_flows = list_of_flows[-1]
print(f"predicted_flows dtype = {predicted_flows.dtype}")
print(f"predicted_flows shape = {predicted_flows.shape} = (N, 2, H, W)")
print(f"predicted_flows min = {predicted_flows.min()}, predicted_flows max = {predicted_flows.max()}")
# Visualizing predicted flows
# ---------------------------
# Torchvision provides the :func:`~torchvision.utils.flow_to_image` utlity to
# convert a flow into an RGB image. It also supports batches of flows.
# each "direction" in the flow will be mapped to a given RGB color. In the
# images below, pixels with similar colors are assumed by the model to be moving
# in similar directions. The model is properly able to predict the movement of
# the ball and the player. Note in particular the different predicted direction
# of the ball in the first image (going to the left) and in the second image
# (going up).
from torchvision.utils import flow_to_image
#flow_imgs = flow_to_image(predicted_flows)
predicted_flow = list_of_flows[-1][0]
print(f"predicted flow dtype = {predicted_flow.dtype}")
print(f"predicted flow shape = {predicted_flow.shape}")
flow_img = flow_to_image(predicted_flow).to("cpu")
# output_folder = "/tmp/" # Update this to the folder of your choice
write_jpeg(flow_img, f"predicted_flow.jpg")
#input_image = flow_to_image(frames[100]).to("cpu")
#write_jpeg(input_image, f"frame_input.jpg")
flo_file = write_flo(predicted_flow, "flofile.flo")
#write_jpeg(frames[100], f"input_image.jpg")
#res = warp_image(img1_batch, predicted_flow)
# define a transform to convert a tensor to PIL image
transform = T.ToPILImage()
# convert the tensor to PIL image using above transform
img = transform(frames[100])
img = img.resize((960, 520))
# display the PIL image
frame1pil = np.array(img.convert('RGB'))
print(f"frame1pil: {frame1pil}")
print(f"frame1pil shape: {frame1pil.shape}")
print(f"frame1pil dtype: {frame1pil.dtype}")'frame_input.jpg')
print(f"img1_batch: {img1_batch}")
print(f"img1_batch shape: {img1_batch.shape}")
print(f"img1_batch dtype: {img1_batch.dtype}")
#res = get_warp_res(img1_batch, "predicted_flow.jpg", 'warped.png')
h, w = predicted_flows.shape[:2]
flow = predicted_flows.copy()
flow[:, :, 0] + np.arange(w)
flow[:, :, 1] + np.arange(h)[:, np.newaxis]
# print('flow stats', flow.max(), flow.min(), flow.mean())
# print(flow)
# print('flow stats mul', flow.max(), flow.min(), flow.mean())
# res = cv2.remap(img, flow, None, cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
res = cv2.remap(img1_batch, flow, None, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
return "done", "predicted_flow.jpg", ["flofile.flo"], 'frame_input.jpg'
# Bonus: Creating GIFs of predicted flows
# ---------------------------------------
# In the example above we have only shown the predicted flows of 2 pairs of
# frames. A fun way to apply the Optical Flow models is to run the model on an
# entire video, and create a new video from all the predicted flows. Below is a
# snippet that can get you started with this. We comment out the code, because
# this example is being rendered on a machine without a GPU, and it would take
# too long to run it.
# from import write_jpeg
# for i, (img1, img2) in enumerate(zip(frames, frames[1:])):
# # Note: it would be faster to predict batches of flows instead of individual flows
# img1, img2 = preprocess(img1, img2)
# list_of_flows = model(,
# predicted_flow = list_of_flows[-1][0]
# flow_img = flow_to_image(predicted_flow).to("cpu")
# output_folder = "/tmp/" # Update this to the folder of your choice
# write_jpeg(flow_img, output_folder + f"predicted_flow_{i}.jpg")
# Once the .jpg flow images are saved, you can convert them into a video or a
# GIF using ffmpeg with e.g.:
# ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 30 -i predicted_flow_%d.jpg -loop -1 flow.gif
gr.Interface(fn=infer, inputs=[], outputs=[gr.Textbox(), gr.Image(), gr.Files(), gr.Image()]).launch() |