Apply for community grant: Personal project (gpu and storage)

by fb700 - opened
  This is an unparalleled chatglm-6b intensive training model, which is an intelligent AI user BoFan, using nearly 1 million data, through intensive training.
   Through training, its Chinese summary ability exceeds all versions of GPT3.5, the level of health consultation is also outstanding in the same parameter scale model, and the 

performance has been greatly improved on the original model, especially in the academic field, it has also made a major breakthrough, especially in context, the maximum length of support is much larger than 4k, 8K, 16K and even infinite。
By training us to have a deeper understanding of the model, LLM has been evolving, and good methods and data can tap into the greater potential of the model. This successful training makes 6b a smaller model that can also have the capability of a larger model with hundreds of billions of parameters in a specific field, and it may be the preferred model for any individual and mid-to-lower enterprises.

Linkage of models :

       这是一个无以伦比的chatglm-6b强化训练模型,它是有智能AI用户 帛凡,使用近100万条数据,经过强化训练而成。

Hi @fb700 , we have assigned a gpu to this space. Note that GPU Grants are provided temporarily and might be removed after some time if the usage is very low.

To learn more about GPUs in Spaces, please check out

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