Apply for community grant: Academic project (gpu)

by jtachella - opened
deepinv org


I work as a research scientist for the french national research center (CNRS) where I develop computational imaging algorithms for deep learning. I also teach at the ENS Lyon and other universities in Lyon, France as part of my work.
I would like to apply for some free GPU time to be able to show to my students basic applications of an open source library that we are developing with collegues across the world. This would provide a nice opportunity for graduate students and postdocs to learn about computational imaging interactively, and also help them to get familiarized with the HuggingFace framework!

All the best

Hi @jtachella , we have assigned a gpu to this space. Note that GPU Grants are provided temporarily and might be removed after some time if the usage is very low.

To learn more about GPUs in Spaces, please check out

deepinv org


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