Any suggestions for improving this? I'm looking for something like #1 or #7, but with the detail of #4

by Avester9368 - opened

It's all in the wording, you could just use octane render and unreal engine to get higher quality, well as high as it'll let you. As far as composition, you can specify where you want each thing. Also using hyper realistic may help with the "giblets" ;)

Is maximum concentration better than limited concentration?

I tried a couple, though may not be as detailed as you want. Last one is from my Assorted post a little but ago just because it's thematically relevant :)


Comet unicorn.png

I'm getting closer...

Does the iteration number mean anything?

Does the iteration number mean anything?

I don't use iteration or concentration on my prompts, you can change iteration number on Night Cafe to get more random iterations (versions) but you get random versions anyways. It's best to tell it where you want each thing to be, to get realistic looking stuff def use unreal engine and octane render it'll help to get 3D rendered looking type images. look into lighting, camera angles, volumetrics, for more cinematic looking stuff. Just keep playing around with different prompts, sometimes less is more, sometimes things that work for one prompt may not work for another prompts, it's definitely playing around with it until you find the right way to word it to get it to make what you want it to hehe

Thanks for the advice!
Imma head out

maybe try entrails instead of giblets ;)

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