To much traffic

by Awildkev - opened

There is to much traffic when will it end

When US people are sleeping, glad to be living in EU

When US people are sleeping, glad to be living in EU

Nope! Been trying since the 8th daily, all throughout the day, most of the time I try from 2 AM until 4 AM and I have never once, ever gotten a single image to load.

When US people are sleeping, glad to be living in EU

Nope! Been trying since the 8th daily, all throughout the day, most of the time I try from 2 AM until 4 AM and I have never once, ever gotten a single image to load.

So why is it working really good for me when all US is in the dark?
It's working good/or even really good between 8AM to 12-1PM

When US people are sleeping, glad to be living in EU

Nope! Been trying since the 8th daily, all throughout the day, most of the time I try from 2 AM until 4 AM and I have never once, ever gotten a single image to load.

So why is it working really good for me when all US is in the dark?
It's working good/or even really good between 8-9AM to 12-1PM

No idea, virtually. All of the logical explanations for the errors and their ultimate “fixes” have left me not once being able to utilize the app, having tried it an insufferable amount of times while I’m home sick.


I posted a discussion about a possible trick to get it working. Myself and a few others have got this working.

Hope this helps.


I posted a discussion about a possible trick to get it working. Myself and a few others have got this working.

Hope this helps.

Hey, yours is one of the mentioned “fixes” - does nothing to get me to see photos, thanks though! Your way is basically the way that I had already been trying it.

There is a trick to bypass that problem, but for obvious reasons I can't post it because currently this site is trending all over the internet.

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