Why are so many 12 year olds sharing their creations in the discussion section?

by jojoizcool - opened

Isn't it only meant to discuss the model or coding?

You mean "saying to fix the traffic issue"?

no, they're actually sharing what they created with dall e mini. There's like over 100 discussions of this. Instead of posting it to twitter or deviantart or wherever, they upload it directly in the discussions tab.


Red moustache man

ermmm, because we like to share? didn't you know sharing is caring? 馃

Isn't it only meant to discuss the model or coding?

This recent post -> https://huggingface.co/spaces/dalle-mini/dalle-mini/discussions/246 is actually very helpful and points out some of the interesting ways you can use the way the AI is programmed in order to make more accurate and clear images. But you are right, far too many of these posts are from children. It's quite annoying.

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