Submission format

by arti00 - opened

I am not able to find what submission format shall be. Please assist. Thanks.
Is it

Observation_id | prediction(class_id). ?
Observation ids are not unique though and we do not have UUID in test meta file.

I found 2021 format as -

Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 4.16.02 PM.png

Hi @arti00 ,

Please check this screenshot.
Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 20.33.28.png

Hope this helps. It looks like you have some outdated data, i.e., SnakeCLEF2021, which is different from SnakeCLEF2023.


Hi @picekl ,

Thank you for your response.
The observation_id is not unique in the test metadata file. So do we need to repeat same observation ID as well in submission file? I am attaching screenshot where Observation ID is same for different images.

Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 6.48.30 AM.png


Observation is usually a set of images of the same individual snake. You have to generate one prediction for each observation.

It is described on the screenshot I provided previously --> For each test observation - multiple images of one individual snake - you must predict 1 class label.


@picekl , alright. Thank you for your help.

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