Ambiguity in Medium dataset [Image not available in folder]

by arti00 - opened

I have been running training and using medium size data for which I am using same metadata file (as there is only one for training/val). Few examples ran and I got following error -

Screenshot 2023-04-18 at 9.34.21 PM.png

Is it only larger dataset folders contain all images mentioned in metadata files?

Hi @arti00 ,

Probably the image is corrupted or was corrupted while we were downloading it. Just don't use it. There might be a small fraction of those images. I would say ~100.


Hi @picekl ,

I see. I will drop those rows.

Update : I checked and yes they were around 100 as you mentioned, 156.


A snippet of code to filter out data from train/val metafile(csv) in case any one falls into this error -

Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 11.57.40 AM.png

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