ANNOUNCEMENT: final submission instructions and updates

by gorinars - opened

Dear participants,

We are nearing the submission deadline and have an important update regarding the final evaluation procedure.

Initially, we planned to allow participants to choose their best solution using the private leaderboard revealed before the competition ends.
However, we realized that this approach could be unfair as it would enable participants to select the best score based on all their past submissions, favouring those with many diverse entries.

To ensure a fair selection process, we have made a slight modification to the procedure:

  1. The final deadline remains unchanged on July 2. You can submit until this date
  2. The private leaderboard will not be revealed in advance.
  3. Participants can select up to 5 systems for the final evaluation (before it was just 1).
    Please visit "My submissions" and choose up to 5 submissions. If no models are selected, we will automatically consider the top 5 based on the public score. You have the option to select models at any moment and modify your choices later, but please do the final selection before July 2.

If you have any questions, please let us know

I am facing an issue in submission. Please help as submissions are showing pending

Hi @anindabitm . Thanks for reporting (though a separate issue would be better than this thread)

@abhishek can you please check if there is a platform issue. I see the following submissions pending today for quite some time


My apologies for disturbing this thread

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